Upper Peninsula Power Company

About Us
A regulated utility, Upper Peninsula Power Company (UPPCO) serves approximately 52,000 electric retail customers in 10 U.P. counties. The company's service territory of 4,460 square miles covers primarily rural countryside. UPPCO has approximately 12 customers per square mile. Industries served by UPPCO include forest products, tourism and manufacturing.
The company's assets include seven hydroelectric renewable energy generation facilities and two combustion turbines providing a total generation capacity of approximately 80 megawatts, as well as 3,300 miles of electric distribution lines and 58 distribution substations.
UPPCO was incorporated in 1947 through a merger of three utilities the Houghton County Electric Light Company, Copper District Power Company and Iron Range Light and Power Company. In 2014, UPPCO returned to its roots of being a stand-alone U.P. Energy company after being owned by Integrys Energy Group since 1998.