The Thrilling Adventure of Lovelace and Babbage, a Guerilla Opera Production
The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage is a new one-act opera by composer Elena Ruehr and librettist Royce Vavrek, adapted from the steampunk graphic novel written and drawn by Sydney Padua, commissioned, produced, and performed by Guerilla Opera. This comedic new opera features Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage, the true-life unsung inventors of the first computer, in an alternative universe where they use their new invention to “fight crime.”
Ada Lovelace was a mathematician, gambler, and proto-programmer, whose writings contained the first ever appearance of general computing theory. Charles Babbage was the eccentric inventor of the “Difference Engine”, an enormous clockwork calculating machine that would have been the first computer, if he had ever finished it.
Ada Lovelace was the first great genius to develop a programming language, and who is still not generally known. By bringing this historical figure to light, this opera demonstrates that there is a history of great scientists that are women.
PRESENTER | Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts
VENUE | Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts
DURATION | 75 minutes, including intermission
TICKETS | Pay As You're Able ($30 Full Ticket Fee)
SEATING | General Admission
Date and Time
Friday Oct 13, 2023
7:30 PM - 9:00 PM EDT
Thursday, October 12 @ 7:30 PM
Friday, October 13 @ 7:30 PM
Saturday, October 14 @ 3 PM
Saturday, October 14 @ 7:30 PM
Sunday, October 15 @ 3 PM
Rozsa Center
Houghton, MI
Pay as your able
The full fee + $39
The full fee $30
Most of the fee $24
Some of the fee $19
Minimum payment $15